Lady Gaga Shocks As She Smokes Cannabis Live On Stage (VIDEO)

Gaga Hits The High Notes

After a relatively calm period which saw her all loved up with Taylor Kinney, it seems the old Lady Gaga is back and up to her old shocking tricks.

Gaga was seen puffing on a "wondrous" spliff during her Born This Way Ball show in Amsterdam last night.

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Lady G told the crowd of it's "medical wonders" as she sparked up a fancy fag on stage, claiming it was the "appropriate place" to talk about her love of the drug, since it has been effectively decriminalised in the capital of Holland.

"I want you to know it has totally changed my life and I've really cut down on drinking. It has been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music," GaGa told fans at the gig, according to The Sun.

The star - who then donned a customised weed t-shirt thrown to her on stage by a fan - joked she was going to have a word with Barack Obama to get the drug legalised all over the world.

She then claimed the marijuana leaf is the "new peace sign" and added: "It's like saying everybody needs to take a breath and it's going to be okay."

Later on Gaga was seen arriving back at her hotel looking relatively normal.

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She'd donned a floral tulip dress in tribute to Holland's national flower.

Earlier on in the day, her outfit was suitably ridiculous though.

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