Lady Zamar, one of South Africa's hottest vocalists at the moment, is getting flak from people about calling her new album "King Zamar".
"Guys especially have a big problem with the name because they believe I'm trying to be a guy," she said. "But I'm making a statement that in my kingdom, of music, I am the king. I'm taking a stand in my realm ... where I am 'the man.'"
She said she is a feminist, but she urged women to embrace being a woman.
"Embrace the fact you have a vagina instead of a penis... embrace those things," she said. "Embrace the fact you are a woman."
Everyone is looking for a root cause for the problems of violence against women in South Africa, she said, and one of the best way women can protect themselves is to have self-respect.
"The Bible says to love your neighbour as yourself, not more than yourself. That means when you are broken, you have to love yourself and that is one of the best ways to avoid being taken advantage of."