Larry The Downing Street Cat: Pictures From His First Year In Office

In Pictures: Larry The Downing Street Cat's First Year In Office

So, Larry - or to give him his full name, Larry the cat - is celebrating his first year at Number 10 Downing Street. Celebrating it with balloons, it would appear from the picture above. Which is surely a bad idea at any party involving a cat.

But we digress. Yes, Adele may have had "the most life-changing year", but she's not the only one.

Because one minute, Larry was languishing in obscurity - and a cage - in Battersea Dogs And Cats Home. The next, he was residing at the most famous address in England. Well, the most famous address until Sherlock Holmes had that revival.

And what a year it's been! He hasn't managed to stop the NHS bill, admittedly - but he's no doubt stopped a few mice. And he's certainly had a better year than Vince Cable or Nick Clegg.

But enough of all this. Let's use our opposable thumbs to flick through Larry's photo album and look back on his incredible first year...