Dashcam Video Captures Motorcyclist's Dramatic Near-Death Crash

Motorcyclist's Dramatic Near-Death Crash Caught On Camera

Horrific dashcam footage has been released showing two separate angles of a wipe-out which almost cost this motorcyclist his life.

One camera, on the bike itself, and one on a passing car, both captured the dramatic moment the rider loses control and spins out into oncoming traffic.

Biker Lee Oliver has been given a suspended prison sentence and a four-year driving ban after pleading guilty to dangerous driving.

Oliver had already clocked more than 130mph on his joyride, and lost control of the vehicle while trying to pull a wheelie at 70mph.

His racing buddy Lee Cunningham was handed the same sentence at Lewes Crown Court for their high speed 9am antics.

"If he had come off his bike just seconds later he could have gone under the wheels of the van and been seriously injured or even killed.

"Motorcyclists are vulnerable road users who usually come off worst when they are involved in a collision but this case shows how some can put themselves at risk by abusing the fact that their machines can go fast and perform stunts.

"Every road user needs to think whether they are putting themselves in unnecessary danger and what they can do to avoid a trip to hospital.

"The roads are no place for stunts or speeding."