Liam Neeson - The Musical (VIDEO)

WATCH: Liam Neeson - The Musical

At last! It's the musical extravaganza we've all been waiting for! Composers John and Al Kaplan (they're brothers, in case you were wondering) have put together the score for Liam Neeson: The Musical - a rousing little number that accompanies the series of classic Neeson film clips in the video above.

Our favourite lyric? "Your wife becomes a lesbian because you're never there. / You break the conman's fingers because he isn't being fair."

You know what? We think Liam should think about doing a musical for his next movie. That's if the whole stand-up comedy thing doesn't work out, of course...

And while we wait for Mr Neeson to break into song (or not), let's amuse ourselves by looking at some more spoof trailers...

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