Lily Allen And Tommy Robinson Racism Row Descends Into Sexual Assault Revelation

'Trying to point out that sexual deviants and murderers operate within every culture'.

Lily Allen and Tommy Robinson have engaged in a heated row about immigration which spiralled into a harrowing disclosure from the singer. 

The row kicked off when singer Lily Allen questioned the MailOnline’s coverage of the gunman who killed 39 people at an Istanbul nightclub on New Year’s Eve.

Referring to a headline which described the attacker as a migrant who screamed “Allahu Akbar” as he opened fire, Allen, tweeted: “Don’t know his name or nationality but call him a migrant in the headline? #racism”

Ex-English Defence League leader Robinson responded by branding her a “fucking idiot” and accusing her of “virtue signalling about racism rather than actually giving a fuck about the dead people.”

The New Year’s Day spat continued with Robinson asking Allen how many refugees she had welcomed into her home.

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Lily Allen wipes at tears during her visit to the Calais ‘Jungle’
BBC Victoria Derbyshire

The mother-of-two was filmed tearfully apologising to a teenage Afghan boy “on behalf of my country” for Britain’s part in the refugee crisis.

Robinson, who is head of anti-Islam organisation Pegida UK, which fights against the “Islamisation” of the West, continued: “Have you ever met or spoke to a victim of the Muslim grooming gangs, you don’t need to go to Calais to hear horror stories.”

Allen responded: “I’ve only ever been sexually assaulted by white males so I feel slightly biased.”

She added: “People need to realise the reality of how white males and their attitudes towards our laws continue to threaten our values and communities.”

While the 31-year-old was praised for her candour, she was lambasted by others for her apparent clumsiness in making her point.

Graham Dickens asked her: “If your [sic] trying to educate people that race isn’t at fault for everything why would you do that by blaming another race? #racist.”

Allen countered: “Trying to point out that sexual deviants and murderers operate within every culture, regardless of religious persuasion.”

Others defended her, with Scarlett Stuff tweeting: “This is the mildest of the hate Lily Allen is getting for a slight comment about painting all refugees as terrorists. That’s all she did.”

Robinson, who has been branded a “racist idiot” by Gary Lineker for claiming a number of children let into Britain from Calais were actually adults, then bizarrely began thanking Allen for Brexit.

“Thanks for Brexit Lily Allen, your ignorance definitely played its part,” he said.

On Tuesday Robinson was declaring “victory” in the spat, by claiming the (unconfirmed) identification of the attacker as Lakhe Mashrapov, a 28-year-old from Kyrgystan, proves he is a migrant.


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