Loch Ness Monster: Housewife ‘Captures Beast On Camera’

'It’s not often you see a monster while on holiday'

The mysterious creature that lurks in Scotland’s Loch Ness appears to be especially active at present, if this latest sighting is anything to go by.

Holidaymaker Calley Tulleth chose to spend her summer break by the murky waters and was rewarded with what she believes is irrefutable proof that the monster is alive and well.

The 28-year-old was enjoying lunch on the balcony of her holiday let overlooking the famed body of water when: “All of a sudden I saw this blue thing swimming across.

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Calley Tulluth took this image, which she is certain is the Loch Ness Monster streaking across the water

“I wasn’t scared but my eyes popped out of my face.

“I quickly took my phone out and started snapping away - I tried to zoom in and get a better view but then it just disappeared. 

“It looked so much like the Loch Ness monster.”

The housewife from Fife, who is holidaying with her husband and three children added: “I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s not often you see a monster while on holiday.”

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She says the creature moved quickly before disappearing into the depths of the loch

Despite there being no conclusive evidence of the famed monster, the mystery and interest surrounding Nessie is worth an estimated £60 million to the Scottish economy, with hundreds of thousands of visitors travelling to Loch Ness every year in the hope of catching a glimpse.

According to lore, the serpentine beast has said to have haunted the murky waters of the loch since 1933.

Believed by many to be the last of a line of long-surviving plesiosaurs, (a Jurassic marine reptile) legend has it that the creature appears along with earth tremors and swirling bubbles.

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Is Nessie the last of a line of long-surviving plesiosaurs?

Nessie first hit headlines in 1934 when the Daily Mail published what it claimed was the first picture of the beast.

The photo was later revealed to have been staged, but there has been no shortage of images since.  

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The iconic picture of ‘Nessie’

One possible candidate linked to the sightings is the wels catfish, which is the largest freshwater fish in Europe. It can live for decades, possibly even as long as 80 years, the National Geographic reveals. 

In February twin Italian brothers caught a 9ft long wels catfish in the Po River of northern Italy.

The animal was dubbed “the monster of the Po” by the Italian media, the Telegraph reports. 

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