London Zoo Hosts Naked Fundraising Event Streak For Tigers (GRAPHIC PICTURES)

Streak for Tigers has raised more than £165k to date

Contains nudity 

London Zoo became a riot of naked human flesh on Thursday night – thanks to these daring big cat fans.

Almost 200 people took part in the Streak for Tigers event, helping to raise more than £25,000 for the Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL) conservation work with the striped mammals.

A group of tigers may be known as a streak, but sadly seeing any number of them in the wild is increasingly unlikely, with their numbers dwindling due to the serious threats they face. 

Tiger fans took part in a 300m nude streak through London Zoo on Thursday Open Image ModalTiger fans took part in a 300m nude streak through London Zoo on Thursday
Tiger fans took part in a 300m nude streak through London Zoo on Thursday
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

Over the past four years, money raised from the Streak for Tigers has enabled ZSL to increase the number of camera traps to track and monitor tiger populations in the wild.

The funds have also supported teams of park rangers and local community members to patrol protected areas, remove snares, and watch for poachers, with the aim of protecting these big cats and their habitats.

James Wren, Fundraising Director at ZSL, said: “Now in its fourth year, the Streak for Tigers has raised more than £165k to date.

“We’re thrilled to hold such an unusual event, and that so many big cat fans dare to bare all to help us protect tigers.”

Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
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