Look It's Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe From Friends) And Guess How Old She Is

Look It's Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe From Friends) And Guess How Old She Is

Phoebe from Friends was totally our favourite, so we were super psyched to see Lisa Kudrow back on the red carpet at the 2013 Television Critic Association's Summer Press Tour (phew! What a mouth full) at the Beverly Hilton hotel on Monday.

And guess what? Today's only her flippin' 50th birthday. *Puts on Monica voice* WE KNOW!

Lisa's appearance comes after she and fellow Friends star Matthew Perry reunited on Saturday evening on Piers Morgan's CNN show.

The pair took their joint appearance as the PERFECT opportunity to reminisce, much to our delight. "If I had a time machine, I would like go back to 2004 and not have stopped," said Matt.

"If it were up to us, you know, individually, then yes. I would keep going... We had a lot of fun," Lisa responded.

Gosh darn it! Why isn't Friends still on telly? Do you miss it as much as we do?

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Check out more from Lisa in her style evolution below. How time's have changed *sighs*.