'Loose Women' Slam Lynda Bellingham's Widower Over Will Controversy

Lynda served as a panellist on the ITV daytime show from 2007 to 2011.

The ‘Loose Women’ have spoken out against Lynda Bellingham’s widower, following reports that her sons are contesting her will.

Michael and Robbie Peluso revealed in a newspaper interview this weekend that her third husband, Michael Pattemore, was given control of her fortune following her death from cancer in October 2014.

The pair told of how they were tied up in a dispute with their stepfather, having only reportedly received £750 each since their mother’s death, despite it being her intention that they “were looked after”.

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Gloria Hunniford and Nadia Sawalha discuss the dispute over Lynda Bellingham's will on 'Loose Women'

The ‘Loose Women’ tackled the subject on Monday’s edition (11 April) of the ITV lunchtime chat show, having strong opinions on the matter, given Lynda served as a panellist from 2007 to 2011.

Nadia Sawalha laid into Michael, telling co-hosts Coleen Nolan, Gloria Hunniford and June Sarpong: “I’ve been so uncomfortable. I was relieved that I wasn't on the show when he was on, I really was.

“They’d heard so much, they’ve been pushed to the edge,” she said of the star’s sons.

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Michael has appeared on the show since Lynda's death to talk about his late wife

Referencing a previous interview with Michael, where he claimed to have been visited by Lynda’s “ghost spirit”, who he proceeded to make love to, Nadia continued: “He sat on television and said he’d had sex with Lynda’s gost - it’s outrageous.

“I used to know Lynda very well and look after the boys when they were younger - she adored those children and I feel she would have been horrified of him saying that on TV.  Absolutely horrified.”

Speaking about his around-the-world trip, which he undertook after Lynda’s death, she added: “Imagine what it’s like for those boys seeing him travel the world and saying those things on television.

“Apparently he said one of her dying wishes was for him to have a hair transplant, I mean, come on.”

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WPA Pool via Getty Images

Gloria, who also knew Lynda personally, despite not ever appearing on ‘Loose Women’ together, said: “I would be devastated if what I had put in place went awry after I went under the bus.”

Revealing that she had spoken to one of Lynda’s son’s ahead of the show, and that he was unable to appear in person, she continued: “The point he wants to make is for all of us to put things in place. It is a wee bit woolly in the end and you have to be more specific in your will. It does bring the whole element of trust into play in this case.

“We all work hoping that we will leave something to our children,. And when that’s not carried out it’s really, really sad.

“Judging by what I’ve read and heard about it, Lynda’s sons are a bit upset by this, like making love to Lynda’s ghost is horrific to many of us reading in the paper."

She added: “I’m sure Lynda didn’t want them to have 750 quid each.”

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Lynda was a regular on the show from 2007 to 2011

Coleen also informed viewers that bosses had approached Michael for comment on the story, but he had failed to reply by the time the show went on air.

They also insisted that there was no evidence to suggest that he was depriving Lynda’s sons of their inheritance or that he hadn’t paid for his around-the-world trip himself.

‘Loose Women’ airs weekdays from 12.30pm on ITV.

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