Madagascan Police Investigate Plane Death Of British Student Alana Cutland

The Cambridge University student fell 1,130 metres onto a plain of carnivorous big cats.
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The body of Alana Cutland has not yet been recovered

Police in Madagascar are investigating whether a British teenager deliberately threw herself from a tiny two-door aircraft and into a plain of big cats.

Cambridge University student Alana Cutland, 19, fell from the light aircraft after carrying out research in the remote area of Anjajavy on July 25, despite desperate efforts from others on board to keep her inside the plane.

Her body has not yet been recovered.

Police photographs recreating Cutland’s final moments appear to show the pilot and the second passenger grasping hold of the victim’s leg as she hangs out of the aircraft.

It is believed Cutland eventually fell to her death after a tense struggle to free herself.

Local police chief Sinola Nomenjahary told The Sun: “The Cessna C168 aircraft was taking off from Anjajavy with three people aboard, including (passenger Ruth) Johnson, Alana and the pilot.”

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The teenager is said to have suffered 'paranoia attacks' during her trip to the island

“After 10 minutes of flight, Alana undid her seatbelt and unlocked the right door of the plane and tried to get out.

“Ms Johnson fought for five minutes trying to hold her, but when she was exhausted and out of breath she let go.

“Alana then intentionally fell from an aircraft at 1,130 meters above sea level.

“She dropped into a zone which is full of with carnivorous Fossa felines.”

It was reported Cutland, from Milton Keynes, suffered “paranoia attacks” while on the self-funded but “failed” research trip to the island, off the east coast of Africa.

Police said she was in regular contact with her parents and was making her way home via the island’s main airport.

Family members said the second-year student “grasped every opportunity that was offered to her with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure” and was in Madagascar to complement her studies in natural sciences.

In a statement released through the Foreign Office, her family paid tribute saying: “Our daughter Alana was a bright, independent young woman, who was loved and admired by all those that knew her.

“She was always so kind and supportive to her family and friends, which resulted in her having a very special connection with a wide network of people from all walks of her life, who we know will miss her dearly.

“Alana grasped every opportunity that was offered to her with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure, always seeking to extend her knowledge and experience in the best ways possible.”

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  • Mind, open Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm on 0300 123 3393
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