Made In Chelsea: Louise Thompson Is Meaner Than Darth Vader And Things Take An Existential Turn

Made In Chelsea: Louise Thompson Is Meaner Than Darth Vader And Things Take An Existential Turn

A French existential gloom descended for the final episode of Made In Chelsea, says Will Gore, and Louise proved she's mean on the scale of Darth Vader...

It seems strange to think the producers of Made in Chelsea would wait until the final episode of the series to go all high-brow.

After weeks of hot tubs, Peter Pan tattoos, big sandwiches, apple bobbing, dangly earrings and sex amnesia, the producers shocked me, and I'm sure many of you, with a glaringly obvious reference to Albert Camus classic existential novel, L'Etranger.

Poor old Andy was knocking back the whiskies in a trendy South Kensington hell-hole called Meursault which, of course, shares its name with the main character in Camus's famous book.

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In the story Meursault faces up the futility of existence, but from the look on Andy's gormless, depressed face his own levels of existential angst were far greater than those of his fictional forebear.

I don't think Camus, even at his most philosophical and French, would have been able to put into words quite how pointless life must seem when you're stuck starring in MiC.

Andy's mood was hardly lightened by the fact his girlfriend Louise had apparently cheated on him with an unnamed shagger. I say "apparently" because for a while Louise denied it, refusing to tell the truth to Andy or respond to Rosie's fantastically immature text which read: Did you pork him?

Andy couldn't even rely on his buddies for support. Stevie could hardly keep the smile off his face when he was told what had happened, while, perhaps more predictably, Spencer went for the full smirk.

The final insult arrived as the whole shebang came to a head at Jamie's party at his Dad's house. Louise strode down a white corridor like a miniature and less charming of version of Darth Vader, heading straight for a showdown with Andy, who for some inexplicable reason decided not to dump her. Just as Andy was proving himself the biggest mug this side of your local Starbucks, Louise added insult to injury by laughing in his face.

So if things headed into the series break not exactly looking 100VIRTUAL-hpGallery-293251%

After they went to an aquarium for an awkward chat they then had a falling out at Jamie's bash because Spencer wanted to comfort Louise. There was even a hint that perhaps this old flame is not completely extinguished. Spencer told his ex that "part of him that will always love her". He didn't specify which part of him, but thanks to the leery grin on his chops we got a pretty good idea what he was talking about.

At least though we were left with one possibility of love blossoming. Fran found out that Oscar wanted to "have pudding with her". Despite this kind offer, she somehow managed to resist the advances of the self-described "smoothest fox around" (the best argument for culling I've heard for a while).

Instead she surprised everyone by plumping for his buddy Ollie. That's Ollie, the confused bisexual who has spent most of the series hiding his stash of gay porn flicks. Fran was not to be put off though and they ended up snogging at the party. I'm sure they've got a very bright future together, just so long as Fran keeps away from the DVD player.

So that's it for MiC, until the next series at least. While I might have been a little harsh on the show and its cast of imbeciles on the odd occasion, I must admit to being a little sad its all over. Sad and a little worried. How on earth, I wonder, am I now going to be kept abreast of vitally important issues, such as Mark Francis's opinion of camping and the existence of dog yoga? Come back soon Made in Chelsea, all will be forgiven.


Read all the latest on Made In Chelsea here

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