Makoto Tojiki's 3D Light Sculptures Take A Softer Turn

Hong Kong's Amazing Hologram Light Sculptures

Now he has extended his NoShadow series by creating ‘hologram’ light art of a softer scene: a little girl releasing a bird into flight.

The result of the new show, which is currently exhibiting in Hong Kong, is no less stunning.

Hope And Dream uses a delayed lighting pattern to give the impression of the bird in flight, in a similar way that he made his 3D horse appear to gallop on the spot.

“The production method is the basically same as before - I ascertained where to place the LEDs from a three-dimensional image, and build the electrical design - but the work has been improvement a little now, too” he told HuffPost.

“The idea behind Hope And Dream is of a woman’s memory of a moment when she was young.

“The light is a symbol of her memory, illuminating the bird as it reflects upon it”

The project was commissioned by Japanese luxury cosmetics company Clé de Peau Beauté, who are celebrating their 30th Anniversary – a clear sign that, like many innovative artists, Tojiki’s work has caught the eye of the commercial world.

But the decision to put his LED holograms behind a product, he insists, wasn’t one he took lightly.

“I inspected whether the NoShadow series was a good fit for this collaboration first. And I was convinced that I sympathized with the concept of the brand.

“The show has been very popular with guests who all wanted their picture taken with it. And it has been picked up my media all over the world.

“People who knew my work were surprised by how feminine it was."

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