If an earthquake strikes and you're stuck without your high-impact safety helmet to hand, you might as well try and cover yourself with a chair.
In this case, that would be a very good idea.
Gizmodo points us to this amazing and elegant design for a chair which can be transformed into an emergency safety helmet, with one simple movement.
The Mamoris chair is designed with a head-shaped lump underneath, which when disconnected turns the entire back piece into a head and neck protector.
The chair is named after the Japanese words for mamoru (to protect) and isu (chair), and was displayed for the first time at the recent Tokyo Designer's Week. Japan is especially concious of the risks of earthquakes, since rebuilding efforts after the last disaster are still ongoing.
But since it's Japan, you can't have an invention like this without a cute animation to go with it - which you can watch, above.