Man Makes Sweetest Gift For Girlfriend Who Has Depression And Anxiety

A boyfriend has been praised for the thoughtful homemade gift he made for his girlfriend to help her cope with depression and anxiety.

The man, known only as Reddit and Imgur user bovadeez, created a jar full of lolly sticks designed to spread positive thoughts and remind his girlfriend that he loves her. 

Each lolly stick contains a handwritten note and is colour coded to represent a different type of positive message. 

The man posted the photo of the present online, along with the caption: “My girlfriend suffers from, at times, crippling depression and anxiety. I saw this idea somewhere online and decided to make her something like it.”

In a further comment, he explained what the different coloured sticks in the jar represent.

“Each ‘category’ is colour coded, so for example, orange are inspirational quotes from poets, political figures, philosophers and humanitarians across time,” he said.

“Yellow reminders are positive words to help you through the day, things like ‘you’re beautiful’ and ‘it’s ok to ask for help’.

“The purple ones are tips to help her relax, things like ‘take a break’ while she’s working on her master’s or ‘listen to your favourite song’.

“I put a fine tipped sharpie in there with the blank ones so she [can] record moments when she’s the happiest and then she can pull one of those later when she needs it.”

He also explained that while he tries to say these things to his girlfriend out loud, he doesn’t always feel like they’re getting through to her because she “becomes overwhelmed and loses control” at times.

“This will hopefully help [her] to regain control in some aspects and push her to take breaks and become more focused on herself,” he said.

The gift has been viewed more than 280,000 times and many people have commented to praise the idea. Some have also said they’re planning to recreate the gift themselves.

“That is really beautiful, a lovely model to follow. I hope (and trust) that it helps with such a frustrating and mysterious condition. She is lucky to have you,” one Reddit user said.

Another added: “Wow this is a really great idea. Sometimes depression makes it really hard for people to hear what you are trying to say and sometimes talking doesn’t help. I’m gonna pass this idea along.”

Useful websites and helplines:
  • Mind, open Monday to Friday,9am-6pm on 0300 123 3393
  • Samaritans offers a listeningservice which is open 24 hours a day, on 116 123 (UK and ROI - this number is FREE to call and will not appear on your phone bill.)
  • Get Connected is a freeadvice service for people under 25. Call 0808 808 4994 or email:
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