Dealing With Coronavirus Anxiety? Here Are Some Ways To Cope With The Stress

HuffPost US wellness editors will talk about covering the COVID-19 pandemic, share tips and answer questions.

Feeling more stressed these days? You’re not alone.

The coronavirus has dramatically changed how we live our lives, and in the process it has created many questions and challenges about how to cope. Some of us are out of work, while others are juggling parenting and home-school duties with their jobs, and still others — doctors, first responders, supermarket and delivery workers — are risking their lives on the front lines of this global pandemic. 

On top of all of that, we’re worrying about everything from our health and the safety of our loved ones to our personal finances. For some, anxiety about the coronavirus may affect our ability to function at work or otherwise go about our lives, which have already been upended because of social distancing measures.

It’s enough to make anyone feel anxious.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, HuffPost’s Life team has reported on experts’ advice on working from home, mental health signs in kids, safe outdoor activities, making the most out of teletherapy and much more.

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HuffPost wellness event for coronavirus anxiety on Zoom

Now, the US team has created an opportunity for global readers to hear from HuffPost’s wellness editors and ask questions on how to get through this together. Please join us on Thursday, April 9, 6-7pm UK time (1-2 pm ET), for a virtual forum featuring Kate Palmer, head of HuffPost US Life, as she interviews Lindsay Holmes, HuffPost US’s senior wellness editor. 

Kate and Lindsay will talk about their experiences covering the pandemic, share tips and answer questions from you on self-care, stress and more. It will be an opportunity for all of us to share our knowledge and support one another through these unprecedented times. 

Go here to register for the event. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

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