Margaret Thatcher Protest Planned For Trafalgar Square, Miners, Anarchists To Attend

Day Of Rage 2013?

A party celebrating Margaret Thatcher's death - first organised nine years ago - could see hundreds of ex-miners, activists and anarchists descend on Trafalgar Square this Saturday.

The party was first touted in 2004 by long-defunct anarchist organisation Class War, on the site IndyMedia, but has been spread around social networks since Thatcher's death on Monday.

It will take place at the scene of the 1990 Poll Tax riots, in central London.

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A large group of police officers in Trafalgar Square, London, during the Poll Tax riot, 31st March 1990

The message calls: "On the first Saturday after Margaret Thatcher dies, Class War is calling a mass party to start at 6pm, in Trafalgar Square, scene of the most famous riot against her policies!

"Whether or not you want to remenicse about the good old days of rioting against the poll tax, to toast old friends who fought Thatcherism, or just want to celebrate the death of the most reviled woman in Britain, we hope to see you there.

"Bring your champagne, fireworks, party clothes and yourselves!"

Several Facebook groups have been set up to promote the event, one with almost 1,400 people registering as attending.

Some in the group have also called on activists to protest outside BBC Broadcasting House, to blast "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" song on loudspeakers.The corporation has said it will not play the song in full if it makes the charts, playing only a five-second clip, because it is "distasteful".

The Facebook group announces: "This isn't organised by us, or called by us - but it's been advertised for years, and it would be a great shame if we didn't spread the word - because she'll only die once!"

The Guardian reported that a delegation of ex-miners from Durham is due to attend the protest, which begins at 6pm.

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, has warned that police will crack down on any rioting or disorder. He told LBC Radio: "We live in a democracy where people are entitled to protest, where they are entitled to have fun and do what they want."

"What they can't do is, I think, use the death of an elderly person to begin riot or affray or that sort of thing. So we're getting ready for all that.

"The police are obviously going to be making sure that if people do break the law they will be properly dealt with."

The Telegraph reported that some football fans from Millwall have threatened to confront the anti-Thatcher protesters, following the FA Cup semi-final between Millwall and Wigan.

Ian Bone, a former campaigner with Class War, told the Guardian he was somewhat surprised but pleased that the event he organised almost a decade ago was remembered, calling it "brilliant."

He told the Independent that Johnson was using 2011's riots as an excuse to "hype" the threat that demonstrators might pose on Saturday. “He thinks that it will stop people who were planning a demonstration on the day of the funeral and will give the police a free hand to act at the party on Saturday,”

UK Uncut, an anti-austerity campaign group, is also planning a day of action, which could see the home of cabinet ministers targeted.

The group posted on its website on Friday: "In London hundreds of people will be gathering at the main concourse of King’s Cross station at 11.30am.

"They will be heading to the home of a mega-rich politician who is directly responsible for the bedroom tax for a day of resistance.

"Bring an oyster card zones 1 - 2, water and food to share, comfy shoes, flags, pillow cases, paints, balloons and banners!

"We will find ways to get to our target no matter what. It’s important that we look after each other and work together to reach our destination."