Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes Startlingly Accurate Confession About Her Own Party

The conspiracy theorist lawmaker said something that even her biggest critics agreed with.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican, Georgia) delivered a blow to her own party on Monday when she said voters are sick of Republican politicians.

“Republican voters across the country are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything to hold this government accountable,” she told CNN’s Manu Raju.

Then, the conspiracy theorist lawmaker described many lawmakers ― including herself ― almost to a T.

“Republicans go out on the campaign trail, and go on TV, and do their five-minute hearing videos, and post up on social media and say all this garbage about how they’re going to fight it and stop it,” she said. 

Greene, a conspiracy theorist who once spoke at a white nationalist event, said voters must feel that Republicans in Congress have failed them.

“I feel the same way,” she admitted. 

Greene last month put her party on blast as the battle for a new speaker dragged on.

“Our conference has a responsibility to the American people, to our districts, to work together and unify, and this conference is absolutely broken,” she confessed

For once, her critics were quick to agree: 

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