Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Photobombed By 'Buffoon'-icorn In Bizarre TV Moment

A mythical creature amusingly hijacked the far-right lawmaker's interview with Donald Trump ally Steve Bannon. Greene couldn't ignore the interruption.

Far-right Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s interview with former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was on Tuesday hijacked by a man with a… *checks notes*… unicorn mask.

Veteran presidential candidate Vermin Supreme larked around on camera behind the Donald Trump-endorsing Greene. He pulled up his shirt, pulled faces and brushed the mythical creature’s teeth.

Greene appeared to ignore most of the antics before finally likening him to Trump’s Republican primary rival Nikki Haley.

“But what’s even more important to understand is that establishment Washington, the neocons, you know, the same people supporting Nikki Haley, demanding that she be president and demanding that voters accept her as a serious candidate even though she’s just a buffoon just like the same guy behind me,” she said.

The bizarre TV moment came before Trump was declared the winner in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

Afterward, Greene struck a threatening tone when she said the Republican Party will be “eradicating” all members who aren’t all in with Trump.

“This is a true change for the Republican Party. It says that not only do we support President Trump, we support his policies. And any Republican that isn’t willing to adapt these policies, we are completely eradicating from the party. So it’s up to Nikki Haley, what she does.”