Husband Of Doctor Who's Assistant Mary Tamm Dies Just Hours After Her Funeral

Husband Of Dr Who's Assistant Dies Just Hours After Her Funeral

Dr Who assistant Mary Tamm died on 26 July at the age of 62.

And in a double tragedy for their family and friends, it has been reported that Mary Tamm's husband died suddenly, on the day of her funeral, 12 days later.

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Mary Tamm as Romana with Doctor Who, played by Tom Baker

The Daily Mail reports that Marcus Ringrose died of a heart attack at his South London home, several hours after delivering the eulogy to his late wife at church.

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Ringrose had been at his computer answering letters of condolence when he suffered his fatal attack.

Tamm had been suffering from cancer, played the Doctor's companion Romana, alongside Tom Baker. Her agent Barry Langford said she had a "zest for life". Read more here...

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