Hmmm, Matt Bellamy is either...
(a) Having a seriously bad hair day, (b) has a massive spot on his face, (c) on Tesco's payroll or (d) simply getting all camera shy
And if you're wondering who Matt Bellamy actually is, well, he's the lead singer of Muse. Or Mr Kate Hudson to you and me (that's her on the right, not that you'd know).
And what do you mean you wouldn't recognise him if you tripped over him in the street? Bet you would if he had a plastic bag on his head though, wouldn't you?
In fact if he'd decided against wearing the headgear for his stroll around Primrose Hill with his wife, we wouldn't even be here now, which is no doubt what he wanted in the first place. Hmmm.
Oh, and don't try this at home (or on the streets) kids.