Two Recipes To Try From The Grenfell Women's Cookbook Supported By Meghan Markle

Green chilli and avocado dip 😋
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Green chilli and avocado dip and a coconut chicken curry are just two of the delicious recipes in a new community cookbook made by women affected by Grenfell Tower.

The idea for the cookbook was sparked last summer, when a group gathered in a communal kitchen in West London to prepare fresh food for their families, friends and neighbours. As they cooked together and shared recipes, they began to connect and heal from the tragedy. Word spread and more women joined in. They called themselves the Hubb Community Kitchen.

Meghan Markle, who visited the kitchen in January 2018 and continues to make regular private visits, is supporting the cookbook and has written a foreword, praising the women for their tireless efforts and spread of love. 

The book showcases more than 50 recipes from women whose community was affected – here are two of our favourites. 

Green chilli dip

By: Munira Mahmud

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You will need:

2 green chillies, halved and de-seeded

25g fresh coriander

3 tbsp natural yoghurt grated zest and juice of 2 lemons

4 garlic cloves, peeled flesh of 1 ripe avocado 4 tbsp mayonnaise (optional)

Salt and pepper


1. Put all the ingredients except the mayonnaise into a food processor and blend until smooth.

2. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.

3. Add mayonnaise (if you wish) and stir to combine, then transfer to a serving bowl. 

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Coconut chicken curry

By: Aysha Bora

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You will need:

1 large chicken, jointed into eight pieces, excess skin trimmed away

1 large ripe tomato, roughly chopped

1 onion, quartered

15g fresh root ginger, peeled 4 garlic cloves, peeled

6 serrano chillies, stems removed and de-seeded (use fewer if you prefer milder curries)

2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp ground turmeric

2 tbsp coconut oil

2 x 400ml tins coconut milk

3 eggs, hard-boiled, peeled and halved

Juice of 1⁄2 lemon salt and pepper

10g fresh coriander, chopped, to garnish rice, chapatis or flatbreads, to serve


1. Score each piece of the chicken in two or three places, slicing about 1cm into the meat.

2. Put the tomato, onion, ginger, garlic, chillies, cumin, coriander, turmeric and some salt and pepper into a food processor and blend to a rough paste. Rub one third of the paste all over the chicken, into the cuts and under the skin; reserve the rest of the mixture. Refrigerate the chicken for at least 1 hour, or up to 5 hours.

3. Preheat the grill to the highest setting, and line a large baking tin with foil. In a large pan, melt the coconut oil on a medium heat; add the remaining paste and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes or until all of the moisture evaporates. Increase the heat slightly and cook for 3–5 minutes until the paste is thick and dark. Add the coconut milk and simmer for 25–30 minutes until the sauce is thick.

4. Meanwhile, put the marinated chicken, skin side up, in the lined baking tin and grill for 15 minutes, until well coloured and charred, then turn the chicken over and grill for another 5 minutes to make sure it is cooked through.

5. Stir the chicken and any juices into the curry pan, bring to a simmer, cover and cook for 5 minutes until the flavours have combined. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Add the boiled eggs and the lemon juice to taste. Sprinkle with the chopped coriander and serve with rice, chapatis or flatbreads.

‘Together: Our Community Cookbook’ (Ebury Press, £9.99). For more information visit: or