Today, 2 October, Femen writes an open letter to the Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto for being directly responsible of the cruel dictatorship that Mexico is currently living. Disguised as a false democracy, Mexico lives oppressed, terrified and threatened, with no possibility to express freely, no political opposition and a non-existent separation of powers.

Today, 2 October, Mexicans remember the day that 45 years ago, the Institutional Party of the Revolution [PRI], murdered, repressed and criminalized students that were protesting against the authoritarian regime that ruled the time. We remember the rivers of blood that flooded Plaza Tlatelolco where the military, in the name of the government, took by surprise thousands of students exercising their right to dissent. Justice was silenced as the press was prohibited to talk about the murders and number of deaths.
Attack after attack, we find ourselves in the same situation as 45 years ago: rule by corrupt oligarchs that silence and terrify the citizens with full support from the media.
You say that the country has made progress since 1968, but we have witnessed the return of the 'perfect dictatorship'! Rotten dictators wear a mask of democracy, but they cannot fool us any more. Students and young people are harassed and silenced every time they go out to protest. Recent examples prove it, the protests of 1 December 2012; 10 June and 1 September 2013 were witnesses of terror. Our freedom and fighting spirit makes them tremble, and that's why they chase us. They are soon to lose their security and privileges! The perfect dictatorship knows no limits; it even kills and murders journalists and human rights activists. Today we say ENOUGH.
Democracy cannot exist in a country ruled by an oligarchic party that imposes a policy of violence, censorship, silence and terror. All form of opposition is chased, and all information is filtered. We, the owners of our destiny and our country, demand for information to be a witness of reality. The same reality against which we are rebelling right now!
We still remember the young braves ones that on 2 October 1968 raised their voices against this same party. Today 45 years later, Femen chooses the battlefield in Mexico, side to side with Mexicans who are anxious to express and protest freely, so together we can denounce this corrupt and despotic government. Femen denounces dictatorships all around the world. And today we declare WAR against the growing cancer of PRI that has devoured everything in that country.
Freedom is dead. Mexico City, the capital of the country, is not even a safe place any more. It is now broadly controlled and managed by a fascist authority: the 'leftist' governor Miguel Angel Mancera, who silences every citizen that dares to go out and protest by punishing them for 'attempting against the city'. Illegal raids, arrests in the middle of the street, torture, arbitrary detentions and violations to due process are, in our view, part of the daily life in a city that was once free.
Journalists are also victims of these attacks, their materials are confiscated and they are silenced and harassed day after day. Authorities send them to jail for committing the crime of 'attacks on public peace'. We are the ones who want peace, but the government wants war! STOP your hypocrisy, STOP your authoritarianism and STOP the spilling of blood.
Instead of building a true opposition, the remaining powers praise and revere the president dressed up as dictator. After 12 years, the country has been torn apart, with violence levels never seen before, more poverty and inequality and with press censorship levels without precedent. Mexico is on its knees, subdued by factual and institutional powers.
Today, 2 October, the presidential instructions are to stay silent about the violent horror that Mexico is submerged in. Femen denounces them!
We've had ENOUGH of being afraid to think, to be critical and to face the system. It is a right that belongs to all humanity, and if it's now being denied, we will FIGHT to get it back. We are no longer afraid. We do not want to be silenced. Freedom is in our hearts and is feeding the rage against the dictators that now rule us! We rise and cry out to the entire world:
The second of October will not be forgotten: it will be denounced !!!!