Michael Gove Accused Of 'Donald Trump Politics' In Feisty Sky News EU Referendum TV Debate

Michael Gove Accused Of 'Donald Trump Politics' In Feisty Sky News EU Referendum TV Debate

Michael Gove was accused of copying Donald Trump's style of politics during a fiery interview with Sky News' political editor Faisal Islam on Friday evening.

The Conservative justice secretary, and leading pro-Brexit campaigner, said he had "faith in the British people" to vote in favour of leaving the EU.

"I think the people of this country have had enough of experts with organisations from acronyms saying that they know what is best and getting it consistently wrong."

Islam hit back asking if Gove was saying voters had "had enough of experts?"

"This is proper Trump politics," Islam told Gove. "It's Oxbridge Trump."

Pressing Gove to name a single British ally that wanted the UK to leave the EU, Islam told the justice secretary: "I'll give you a half for Donald Trump."

The Republican presidential candidate, who is due to visit the UK this month, has backed Brexit. President Obama, has said the UK should vote to remain in the EU.

Gove said voters should not listen to what foreign leaders said. "They don’t have a vote in this referendum, the people in this audience, the people watching at home have a vote."

"Barack Obama would never accept a court in Mexico decreeing what the law in the United States would be," he added.

This morning, Cameron defended the right of global economic organisations to warn against Brexit.

"You’ve got all of the international and national organisations, the Bank of England, the Treasury, the OECD, the IMF, 9 out of ten economists, saying there would be a shock to the British economy, he told ITV.

"I don’t think you can accuse the government of scaremongering when that is happening. The IMF, their job is to tell prime ministers when their economy faces risks." He added: "I feel I am doing my job."

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