Michael Jackson Trial: Prosecution Case Winds Up After Final Witness Says Self-Dosage 'Extremely Unlikely'

Michael Jackson Trial: Final Prosecution Witness Says Self-Dosage 'Extremely Unlikely'

An expert in the powerful anaesthetic blamed for Michael Jackson's death has told jurors there is no way the pop star could have caused his own death by swallowing the anaesthetic propofol.

Dr Steven Shafer testified on what was expected to be the final day of the prosecution's involuntary manslaughter case against Dr Conrad Murray.

Shafer's testimony is a direct response to a report prepared by defence expert Dr Paul White. White thought that Jackson may have caused his own death by swallowing the anaesthetic.

Shafer said it is impossible for any propofol that is swallowed to enter the bloodstream, where coroner's officials found the drug after Jackson's June 2009 death.

Murray has pleaded not guilty. His lawyers are expected to begin their case on Friday.