Mick Jagger has earned himself the title of the best dorky dad commenter on Instagram.
The 75-year-old has been spotted leaving cringe-worthy but hilarious comments on his 19-year-old son’s Instagram photos. Twitter user Patrick Rodgers brought the comments to our attention, and it’s bringing so much joy to our lives. Rodgers’ tweet has had more than 80,000 likes and 16,000 retweets.
Here are some of the comments Mick has left on Lucas Jagger’s pictures, which serve as proof that even rock star dads can’t always be cool.
1. “Looks like fun. Ha!”
2. “Watch out for the water.”
3. “Cool pic.”
4. “Looks like fun!🌲🌲”
Another Twitter user, Summer Wind, also pointed out that Lucas has started to leave some pretty hilarious comments on his dad’s Instagram account, too.
On the photo below, Lucas wrote: “The jacket is pretty flames tbh.”
And on this Lucas wrote: “So cute! 💕”
And he sarcastically wrote: “Pls don’t let that fall!” on his dad’s guitar swing video.
Jagger has seven other children who range in age from 47 to one – Georgia, James, Jade, Elizabeth, Karis, Gabriel and Deveraux.