Microsoft's 'Child Of The 90s' Internet Explorer Ad Is A Nostalgic Trip Back In Time (VIDEO)

Microsoft's New Advert Will Make You Cry (If You Grew Up In The 90s)

Microsoft has released a new advert for Internet Explorer which might just make you cry - if you were born between 1984 and 1988, have a taste for nostalgia and turn the music up really loud. And now the web is 25 years old it seems as good a time as any to revisit what made it great in the first place.

The 'Child Of The 90s' ad takes a trip back through everything that was popular back in the land before iPods, including Pogs, bad haircuts and, well, Internet Explorer.

The point is that you grew up, and so did they. So switch from Chrome already.

But the effect for the right audience - including yours truly - is just to make you a bit weepy for a lost time when the internet made weird noises when connecting and Rage Against The Machine were still making albums.

Take a look, above.

UPDATE:This post was originally published in January 2013, when the advert was new. The date on this post was accidentally updated to 2014. Apologies for any accidental confusion.

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