Victoria's Secret Models Ming Xi And Giselle Oliveira Prove The Power Of Female Support After Catwalk Tumble

She got by with a little help from her friend 👯

The Victoria’s Secret show was not without it’s share of runway drama. 

When model Ming Xi took a tumble under the weight of her decorative headdress and long train, not only did she recover like a champ but she did it with a little help from a friend. 

Ming Xi remained poised and as she readied herself to continue with her catwalk, fellow model Giselle Oliveira came to her aid by helping her up.

Not only this, but Oliveira seemed to encourage Xi to walk on and have her moment.

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J. Lee via Getty Images

The tumble was epic, but Ming Xi just kept smiling. 

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VCG via Getty Images

Even beneath the cover of her leafy (and no doubt heavy) head dress and loose wavey hair, the beautiful model made sure to keep her cool.

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FRED DUFOUR via Getty Images

Fellow Angel, Oliveira, was coming up for her turn front and centre, but chose to display solidarity instead. 

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VCG via Getty Images

Of course someone captured the moment on Twitter.

It was support all around for the two models. 

Ming Xi handled it like the pro she is - after all, this was her fourth VS show. 

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Timur Emek via Getty Images
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