Mirror Mirror: Adi Ulmansky

Mirror Mirror: Adi Ulmansky

After catching up with Israeli-born, pastel-haired techno champion Adi Ulmansky and chatting Spice Girls, Pokemon and Young Blood jumpsuits - we were desperate to become her new best friend. With her EP out now, this girl is one to watch... Trust us!

When I look in the mirror I see... a conflict between this super strong girl who's passionate about music and fashion and a shaky fairy that's looking for love and quiet. These two girls are always battling each other!

If I were stranded on a desert island with one piece of clothing it would be... my Buffalo boots. Because I feel like they are a part of me! But also, if i can have two things, I would take one of my Young Blood super-cool jumpsuits to cover myself up.

When I was at school I wanted to be... part of the Spice Girls! But, no I also really just wanted to be an artist - produce my music and create my world of fantasy!

My biggest style triumph was... when I wore a Pokemon outfit in the music video for my song My Heart - it received lots of love from my fans! It had a Pikachu and Jigglipuff print which kind of represents my own inner conflict! Lots of people have asked where they can get it.

If I could be any character from film or literature I would be... Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger. In fact, maybe I already feel like a version of Holden. So I'm gonna change my mind and go for Marla Singer from Fight Club.