Model Giorgos Tsetis Sacrificed Sex For Six Years When Hair Loss Drug Left Him Impotent

This Male Model Sacrificed Sex For Six Years To Have Great Hair

Model Giorgos Tsetis has a head of thick hair, but he's paid a high price for his luscious locks.

The 30-year-old sacrificed a fulfilling sex life for six years when drugs he took for hair loss caused him to experience sexual dysfunction.

Tsetis, from Amsterdam, started taking the drug Propecia at the age of 21 after clumps of his hair began to fall out.

At the time, the model was working with top brands such as Armani and Versace, but feared all this could change if he went bald.

"There isn't even a handful of models whose hair is receding, so to have a full set of hair is a prerequisite in landing any job," he told Mashable.

According to the NHS, Propecia is a drug commonly used to treat male pattern baldness and other scalp conditions and works by "blocking the action of a chemical in the body which affects hair loss in men".

While the drug, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, caused Tsetis' hair to thicken rapidly, he also believes it was the reason he experienced erectile dysfunction and low libido for six years.

He says his interest in sex became so low that his girlfriend at the time almost broke up with him.

"My confidence as a man went down the drain and it was at such a young age. I'm a positive person in general but not being able to perform takes a toll on you," he said.

With his relationship at breaking point, Tsetis stopped using Propecia three years ago. Around the same time, he met his current business partner Roland Peralta, who had previously worked in the shampoo industry, creating products for hair-loss.

The pair have since created a vitamin supplement called Nutrafol, which contains compounds extracted from foods, botanicals and herbal ingredients. The company claims this mix of compounds naturally promotes hair growth.

"Nutrafol contains key patented nutraceuticalingredients that have been clinically proven in human clinical trials to combat the leading underlying causes that contribute to hair loss," the Nutrafol website states.

"The efficacy of these ingredients rely on years of scientific research and millions of dollars in investments by our ingredients partners to make available bioactive constituents that are proven to be effective in combatting the leading underlying causes of hair loss and poor hair health including thinning hair, brittle, wiry, dry hair."

But Jo Travers from The London Nutritionist is not convinced by Nutrafol.

"I can't see good quality, peer reviewed research studies backing up their claims or even a list of ingredients on their website, so I'd be very wary of recommending this to anyone," she tells HuffPost UK Lifestyle.

Tsetis isn't the first person to suggest Propecia can have an impact on sexual function.

In a 2013 study published in the Sexual Medicine Reviews, Dr Michael S. Irwig found the ingredient finasteride, which is found in Propecia, can cause persistent sexual dysfunction, including "low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and problems with orgasms".

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