This Is The Most Anyone Has Ever Spent On Matches Fashion In A Single Transaction


As January draws to a close most of us are feeling the pinch and living on baked beans.

But one shopper might need to curb their online shopping habit a little more than the rest of us, as has revealed the largest amount of money ever spent in a single sitting. 

And trust us, it redefines the idea of a guilty splurge.

The individual - who we sincerely hope did not experience buyer’s regret - spent a whopping £94,000 on one checkout.

Yes you read that correctly. And there are no missing decimal points.

The revelation isn’t the only good news for the luxury British retailer, which saw a season of bumper sales throughout Christmas and New Year, with sales figures up 82% in the six weeks till 8 January. 

Tom Chapman, executive co-chairman, told Vogue: “This was a record growth period and continued the growth acceleration trend we’ve seen all year.”

On that note, we’re off to count our tins of beans.