Mother's Day With A Chronic Illness

We went out for lunch on Sunday as an early Mother's Day treat and I almost face planted my lunch. A coat strategically placed on the table meant I could have a nap while eating. There's no choosing when I sleep, it's when my body allows me to stay awake. My social skills aren't great though!

We went out for lunch on Sunday as an early Mother's Day treat and I almost face planted my lunch. A coat strategically placed on the table meant I could have a nap while eating. There's no choosing when I sleep, it's when my body allows me to stay awake. My social skills aren't great though!

Yesterday I fell backwards into the bath. Chris had left me sitting on the side and as he turned round to get a towel I fell backwards into the empty bath. Legs dangling and arms flailing he picked me up and put me back in place. It's a good job he's there.

One of the perks I've found to epilepsy is I can take my daughter to the cinema and get in free with a carer. There aren't many good points to this illness so I'll take what I can get.

My Mother's Day will probably be fairly quiet as I'll no doubt sleep most of it. My kids will treat me to the usual mocking and laughing that they usually do if I fall. Mother's Day can be difficult when you can't go out and celebrate but we will have lots of laughs at home and if I'm lucky a nice roast dinner.

I owe a lot to my kids as they help to keep me safe. Last week James definitely...probably...possibly saved my life. Normally I go up and downstairs on my bum but I was chatting to James and got distracted. I didn't realise I was standing at the top of the stairs. I started to wobble and next thing I knew I was falling down. Thanks to some quick thinking from James he grabbed my hood and bumped me slowly down the stairs one by one. I was battered and bruised but it could have been so much worse.

They are quite used to me shouting obscenities although thankfully they don't realise they are swear words. My nine year old is a little shocked sometimes. We call my Tourette's side Gerald so he's my alter ego. He's a grumpy old man who swears a lot! We gave him an alter ego so the kids aren't scared of my shouting. It makes him into a cartoon character and less frightening. They know I can't help it but we can have a good laugh about what Gerald gets up to.

With epilepsy, Tourette's, narcolepsy, cataplexy, fibromylagia amongst others it will be a difficult day but with the support of my family I can get through anything. They keep me going and keep me smiling.

Mother's Day this year also falls on Purple Day for epilepsy so I will be wearing purple to support my fellow epilepsy fighters.

For more information about epilepsy, go to

If you would like to talk to someone about epilepsy, call their confidential helpline for information and emotional support.

Epilepsy Society Helpline 01494 601 400 Mon and Tues 9am-4.30pm, Wed 9am-7.30pm

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