Sort Out Bathroom Mould Once And For All With These Miracle Products

Everything you need to banish b*stard black mould, plus simple hacks to prevent it in the first place
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Banish bacteria and make the mould stay away with these genius buys

We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, HuffPost UK may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

We all know that opening a window, popping on the extractor fan, and ensuring your bathroom is never too damp are top ways to prevent mould and mildew.

But if the fug or fungus is particularly persistent – or your bathroom lacks the ventilation it needs – it can feel like you’ll never manage to get rid of it.

To help you out, we’ve pulled together a list of specific bathroom products and tools that are designed to keep the bacteria at bay. Already got mould to manage? Don’t worry – we’ve finished it up with a selection of sprays and solutions to help you eliminate it for good.

If possible, pick a paint that’ll protect your bathroom walls
We don’t all have a say in bathroom paint, but if you do, then go for a moisture and steam resistant one. Promising protection against mould for up to five years thanks to its MouldTec formulation, this Dulux option is top of our list.
Try this sealant formulated with fungicide
Leaky toilets, sinks, and showers are well-known causes of bathroom mould so sealing is key. Enriched with fungicide, this sealant has been designed especially for bathrooms, and will provide long-lasting protection against mould growth.
Hang loofahs, mitts and sponges out to dry
When laid flat around the edge of the bath, exfoliating mitts and shower puffs can become real breeding grounds for fungus. To ensure they properly drain, hang them from these sturdy suction cup hooks instead.
Make sure your shower curtain is resistant to mould and mildew
Made from a waterproof EVA material, any droplets can be simply brushed off this mould-proof curtain, which dries in seconds. Best of all, there’s no danger of it sticking to your body if you accidentally brush against it while you’re showering!
Allow bottles and bath toys to drain properly
Wet bottles and toys left around or in the tub can breed bacteria so place them on this rack instead to help them fully dry out. It’s also the perfect vessel for holding your glass of wine and a candle while you enjoy a well-deserved soak at the end of the day!
Improve air quality by hanging an English Ivy
A purifying plant, English Ivy is well-known for its ability to remove airborne mould from humid spaces. It’s also a great addition to a small bathroom, and looks fab hung from the ceiling, or left to drape down from the top of a cabinet.
Squeegee after you shower to remove excess moisture
We all know that mould thrives in wet conditions. Far more than just a way to keep your shower screen looking shiny, using a squeegee on your tiles or tub right after washing supposedly reduces the moisture in the room by up to 75%.
Use a rinse-free spray everyday to quickly clean
Keeping up a regular cleaning schedule is an important part of preventing mould and mildew but that doesn’t mean you have to commit to scrubbing your shower every day. With just a quick spritz of this non-toxic spray, your shower and surfaces will stay clean.
Handle hard-to-reach areas with this scrubbing kit
It can be tricky to comprehensively clean toothbrush holders, tap surroundings and plug holes. This nifty scrubbing tool comes with four different sized scrubbing heads, and the cult cleaning paste that’s brilliant at tackling all kinds of grime.
Use a dehumidifier to fight excess damp
Damp and humid rooms are like heaven to bacteria, so it’s unsurprising that bathrooms are the most common place mould and mildew are found. If you don’t have an extractor fan or your bathroom lacks a window, then get yourself a dehumidifier.
When you first spot mould, whack out the white vinegar
A fantastic home remedy, undiluted white vinegar can work wonders when sprayed or poured directly onto areas of mould. However, it’s not as strong as bleach or specialist mould remover products – so may not be enough to tackle stubborn growth.
Make sure you wear rubber gloves when handling chemicals
For dealing with powerful chemicals, and protecting yourself against bacteria, always wear rubber gloves when tackling mould and mildew. Triple-layered and lined with cotton for added comfort, these ones will definitely do the trick!
Fight stubborn algae with this ultra strong specialist spray
Truly not to be trifled with, this badass spray kills mould and fungus, and eliminates filthy black stains with its intense bleaching properties. Just make sure when you use it you’re wearing gloves, a mask, and have adequate ventilation.
Or try an eco-friendly alternative that still packs a punch
If the super hardcore chemicals aren’t really your bag, then pick yourself up a bottle of this bleach-free and non-toxic spray formula. Antibacterial, it removes unsightly black and brown moulds, and offers long lasting protection against regrowth.
Revive gunky grouting with these clever whitening pens
After a run-in with some mould, it’s likely your grout might be looking a little dingy and discoloured. These whitening pens not only restore colour, but will also prevent, kill, and repel any future outbreaks of mould.