Mum-Of-Six Reality TV Star Kim Zolciak Tweets Super-Slim Selfie Nine Days After Giving Birth To Twins

Mum-Of-Six Reality TV Star Kim Zolciak Tweets Super-Slim Selfie Nine Days After Giving Birth To Twins

Here at Parentdish, we're not usually admirers of reality TV stars – especially when we've never heard of them!

But we have to confess to a grudging admiration for 35-year-old mum-of-six Kim Zolciak who Tweeted this selfie looking svelte – nine days after giving birth to TWINS!

In case you didn't know (we didn't), Kim is an American singer and former star of Bravo TV's Real Housewives of Atlanta (no, us neither) but we won't forget her after seeing the super-slim Twitter snap she shared with her 16 year-old daughter Brielle, quite rightly observing: "My belly is almost gone!!!"

She added, not unreasonably "Damn u got good genes! Ur lucky," which she followed with a smiley face icon.

Kim gave birth to twins Kaia and Kane on November 25, and was spotted taking a Thanksgiving stroll with the newborns four days later.

"They are doing awesome," she informed onlookers.

With 16 years between her first-born, daughter Brielle, and the twins, Kim has had plenty of practice in the parenting department. She's also mum to 12-year-old Ariana, while she had sons Kroy Jr., two-and-a-half, and Kash, 15 months, in quick succession.

Thus, in terms of jaw-drop factor, given her age, given the fact she's now a mum-of-six, and given the fact she's had TWINS we think Kim's super-slim selfie even beats Norwegian footballer's wife Caroline Berg Eriksen who posted a selfie of her washboard stomch on her

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