Mum 'Too Fat To Have A Baby' Has TRIPLETS After Losing 12 Stone

Mum 'Too Fat To Have A Baby' Has TRIPLETS After Losing 12 Stone

A mum who was told she was too fat to have a baby has given birth to triplets after losing 12 stone with a gastric band.

Kelly Hoyles, 36, who weighed 29 stone at her heaviest, tried for 13 years to get pregnant.

Doctors warned her she was too obese to conceive because her huge frame meant she was not producing eggs.

But she continued to try for a baby with husband Colin, 42, until she admitted she needed help. Kelly, from Boston, Lincolnshire, asked for a gastric band op in January 2008 and had the operation on the NHS in November that year.

Over the following three and a half years she went on to shed an incredible 12 stone.

Last May, her doctor gave her tablets to stimulate her ovaries, and Kelly was stunned when she fell pregnant just two months later.

Kelly gave birth to Freddie, Jack and Bella seven-and-a-half weeks early on February 26 this year at the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham.

Freddie weighed 4lb 3oz, Jack weighed 4lb 4oz and Bella weighed just 3lb 6oz.

Kelly told her local paper: "I just ignored doctors who said I was too fat, I thought there were bigger people out there having babies.

"Then I hit my 30s and realised it probably was my weight. I had been in denial.

"I had the gastric band operation in November 2008 and I went back to the hospital in January last year and said I've lost all this weight.

"Everything came back clear except I wasn't ovulating so I went on Clomid tablets which stimulate your ovaries.

"And two months later I fell pregnant. When I found out, I didn't believe it. I thought it was my body playing tricks on me.

"I did three tests and they all came back positive but I still couldn't believe it until my eight-week scan.

"It wasn't until I saw the pictures on the screen that I believed it. But then the sonographer turned around and said, 'you're having triplets'.

"I can't repeat what I said. I was just in shock."

The unexpected births meant Kelly had to wait before she could properly meet her three new babies.

A lack of cots at the neo-natal unit in Nottingham meant one baby was whisked off to Sheffield, while the other two were sent to Derby.

She was eventually reunited with her babies when they were five days old and the family were allowed to go home exactly two weeks later.

Kelly added: "The babies were home at just 19days old because they were doing so well. They are completely healthy, they are growing really well.

"I'm still shocked now. Sometimes I look at them and think I can't believe it."