Must Have Apps For The New iPad

Must Have Apps For The New iPad

When you get your hands on your shiny new Retina screen iPad tomorrow, just what are you going to do with it?

The astounding new screen with more pixels than any high res screen anywhere is prime for loading with new apps but there is a downside. The bigger file size could kill 16GB models, and blast your 3G data allowance to bits, depending on your data plan.

Apple's own iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, the Numbers spreadsheet and Pages word processor are all optimised to look their best on the new high definition screen.

The Telegraph call iPhoto and iMovie "remarkably powerful editing tools", while Apple CEO Tim Cook's demonstration showed the wonder of drawing at such detail that you can't see the pixels.

Since you're no-one these days if you haven't got an app (even cat food companies have apps), other app builders are ready for Retina.

Instapaper, Eye-Fi, Twitteriffic and Zen Bound 2 are also Retina-ready.

Eye-Fi gives you automatic back-up from your digital camera to your iPhone, Instapaper saves your favourite web articles in a newspaper format to read at your leisure.

Twitteriffic almost goes without saying, while Zen Bound 2 is a lush game that originated on iPhone.

Those apps that are not updated for Retina will look sorely disappointing, according to the New York Times. They say the non-updated Amazon Kindle app is a disappointment, but that a Kindle re-write is in the works.

To deal with the incredible density of pixels, apps are getting heavier. TechRadar says the Keynote application is up from 115MB to 327MB, and Numbers has grown from 109MB to 283MB.

Click below to see the top 10 apps for the new iPad: