Nadine Dorries Is Becoming A Daily Mail Columnist And People Have Thoughts

The former cabinet minister already has her own show on Talk TV.
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Nadine Dorries was culture secretary in Boris Johnson's government.
James Manning - PA Images via Getty Images

Nadine Dorries has announced that she is becoming a columnist for the Daily Mail.

The former culture secretary’s articles will appear in the paper every Tuesday.

Dorries, who already has her own chat show on Talk TV, revealed her latest venture in a tweet declaring: “Brace. Brace. Brace.”

Perhaps wisely, Dorries turned off replies on her tweet confirming the news.

However, hundreds of social media users still managed to pass on their thoughts by quote-tweeting the post.

Some speculated that giving the notoriously-outspoken MP a column in a national newspaper may not be a massive success.


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One Twitter user compared the news to "a massive car crash"
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Another pointed out that shouting "brace brace brace" usually precedes disaster.

Others, meanwhile, pointed out that writing the weekly column will leave her even less time to do her job as an MP.

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Most reactions to the news were negative.
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Many accused Dorries of ignoring her main job as an MP
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Many were unhappy about the MP's latest sideline.

Dorries has already announced that she is standing down as MP for Mid-Bedfordshire at the next election, nearly 20 years after first entering the Commons.

She is one of a number of Tory MPs who have taken jobs in the media while still sitting in parliament.

Husband and wife duo Esther McVey and Philip Davies have their own show on GB News, as does former cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg.