The food at this Chinese restaurant is so damn good it even tempted Buddha himself to scale the walls for a bite.
Well that’s apparently how two naked fat men came to be draped across a building this weekend in Jinan, east China’s Shandong province.
The sculptures appeared on Sunday but were “destroyed” that same night, reports China Daily.

Yum: Two naked Buddhas scale a restaurant in Jinan, China
Citing Xinhua News Agency, the channel says they were constructed to demonstrate just how mouth-watering the restaurant in question’s Fo-tiao-qiang dish is, which translates literally as “Buddha jumps over the wall”.
According to Qing Dynasty legend, the meaty dish is so tasty it enticed one monk to abandon his vegetarianism and literally leap over a wall to eat it. Another version described it as so delicious even Buddha would do the same.
But the stunt went down like a lead balloon for some devout Buddhists.
Not hungry? The sculptures were removed shortly afterwards
The South China Morning Press cites one practitioner named Miaoming from the Beihai Zen Monastery in Qinghai province as blogging: “I burst into tears when I saw naked Buddhas climbing over the wall.
“How come a nation with a thousand-year history has so little respect for its own culture?”
Central European News quotes restaurant owner Li Tsui as explaining: “I didn’t want to offend anyone… I simply meant to advertise that and as everybody knows the dish, didn’t think that would be a problem.”