Nasa Super Guppy Swallows Super-Sonic Jet (PICTURES)

PICS: Massive Aircraft Swallows Nasa's Supersonic Jets

Nasa's enormous 'super guppy' aircraft has been caught on camera swallowing two supersonic jets.

Pictures of the the entertaining sight were released by Nasa this month.

They show two Nasa T-38 training aircraft being loaded into the SGT Super Guppy Transport, at the space agency's Dryden Flight Research Centre.

The Super Guppy is the last craft of its kind still flying. It has a wingspan of 156 feet and measures 48 feet tall. Its hinged nose can open 110 degrees and has a 25-foot diameter cargo bay.

Loading the T-38 planes - which have been decommissioned - took more than 2 hours, Nasa said.

In their time the Super Guppys transported Saturn rockets and modules destined for the International Space Station, flying more than 3 million miles in total. Nasa said it is scheduled to transport the Orion Heat Shield from Textron Defense Systems in March, and also does jobs for the US Navy.