NASA's 4K Footage Of Earth From Space Is Utterly Spellbinding

If you only watch one video today, make it this.

If your commitment to the planet has wavered this year, NASA’s latest 4K footage might just be the perfect remedy. 

Filmed from the International Space Station (ISS), it’s up there with the most spellbinding videos of Earth we’ve seen, and we’ve seen loads.

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The footage was captured by Jeff Williams, an American astronaut who has spent 534 days in space, more than any other.

His aim was to capture the sense of wonder that comes with viewing Earth from afar, a sensation previously reserved for astronauts.

“When you finish and you’re back on the Earth the memories diminish quickly, so [I wanted] to capture the memories, to be able to bring back the experience to others,” Williams said. “Viewing this planet now we can see it in a global scale and maybe grow in our appreciation of those things that are unique to Earth.”

From sunsets to sand dunes, the video charts the course of ISS as it hurtles around our planet at 17,150mph. 

In addition to the YouTube clip, NASA has generously made the files available to download here.