Emotional Moment Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe Is Reunited With Daughter And Husband

“Is that mummy?”: Hugs and kisses as arrival back in Britain ends six-year ordeal in Iran.
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Tears of joy were shed as Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, Richard Ratcliffe and daughter Gabriella were together for the first time since 2016.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been reunited with daughter Gabriella and husband Richard Ratcliffe after being freed from Iran – with the couple embracing for the first time in six years. 

Emotional scenes followed Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s return to Britain in the early hours of Thursday, which marked the end of years of hell for the charity worker.

As her mother walked down the plane’s stairs, seven-year-old Gabriella was heard asking “is that mummy?” 

Her release follows months of intensive negotiations and comes after UK officials finally settled a 40-year £400million debt to Tehran. 

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Gabriella was just 22 months old when her mother was arrested by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
Liz Truss/Twitter
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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe after landing at RAF Brize Norton.
LEON NEAL via Getty Images
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Screengrab of a tweet posted by Elika Ashoori of her father Anoosheh Ashoori and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe being reunited with their families at RAF Brize Norton.
Elika Ashoori via PA Media

Zaghari-Ratcliffe arrived at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire just after 1am on Thursday morning.

She left Iran with fellow British-Iranian Anoosheh Ashoori, 67, on Wednesday after their release was secured.

Gabriella was just 22 months old when her mother was arrested by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on trumped up charges of plotting against the regime – which she has always denied.

The charity worker was sentenced to five years in the notorious Evin Prison and has been detained in Iran ever since.

Gabriella spent three-and-a-half years living with her maternal grandparents in Iran, visiting her mother in prison each week and Skyping her father in the UK.

She returned to the UK to live with her father and start school in October 2019, hoping that her mother would soon follow behind.

The couple have not seen each other since Zaghari-Ratcliffe travelled to Iran in 2016.

Zaghari-Ratcliffe, her husband and their daughter left RAF Brize Norton after the emotional reunion, which took place behind closed doors.

Pictures were soon posted online by friends and the Free Nazanin campaign group.

Speaking at the base, UK foreign secretary Liz Truss said: “It’s been very emotional, but also a really happy moment for the families, and I’m pleased to say that both Nazanin and Anoosheh are in good spirits and they’re safe and well back here in Britain.”

Ashoori, who was detained in Evin prison for almost five years, was accused of spying. He consistently and vigorously denied the allegations.

The pair smiled and chatted as they walked from the aircraft into a reception building at the airport.

Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who was wearing a navy dress and coat, with a bright yellow shawl and matching handbag, waved to the cameras, while Ashoori, who was carrying a magazine, gave a salute and a peace sign.

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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori arrive at RAF Brize Norton.
Leon Neal via PA Wire/PA Images

An emotional video was shared live on Instagram by Ashoori’s daughter Elika as the pair disembarked the plane.

In it, Ratcliffe shook Ashoori’s hand, as Gabriella appeared to run towards her mother, who was out of shot. She then carried the little girl in her arms as they were surrounded by other family members.

Ashoori was then reunited with his family, who were in tears as they embraced. Zaghari-Ratcliffe then appeared in the video and hugged and kissed her daughter, and asked her “do I smell nice?” before holding her hands.