New video has emerged showing Mohammed Emwazi as a "shy" schoolboy before he degenerated into the man known as 'Jihadi John', the world's most wanted killer.
Emwazi was targeted by a US drone strike in the Syrian city of Raqqa last night with officials saying "with a high degree of certainty" that he was dead.
In video obtained by Channel 4 News Emwazi is pictured playing video games when he should have been revising at school. He is also seen hiding his face when in the school playground with friends.
Emwazi was known for being shy, according to Channel 4 News, and his teachers remembered him as often being on the edge of a group and being particularly self-conscious of his "bad-breath".
Emwazi came to notoriety in a video in August 2014, which showed the beheading of US journalist James Foley. He is also believed to be responsible for the deaths of several IS hostages, including Britons Alan Henning and David Haines.
Jihadi John, seen above in a video execution of Steven Sotloff, is believed to have been killed in a US drone strike
Earlier today David Cameron said he could not confirm Emwazi had been killed but said the strike was "the right thing to do".
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had a different view: "It appears Mohammed Emwazi has been held to account for his callous and brutal crimes. However, it would have been far better for us all if he had been held to account in a court of law," he said.