NHS Payout For Boy Left Brain Damaged After Delivery

NHS Payout For Boy Left Brain Damaged After Delivery

A nine-year-old boy who was left brain damaged after midwives failed to notify a doctor that his heart rate was dropping during his birth is to receive a payout from the NHS.

Logan Sims has Cerebral Palsy and needs 24-hour care after his bungled delivery at Walsall Manor Hospital in May, 2004.

His brain was starved of oxygen after the midwives' failures led to his delivery by emergency caesarean section being delayed.

The Birmingham Mail reports that Mrs Justice Swift, sitting at the Royal Courts of Justice, approved an agreement that Walsall Hospital NHS Trust would compensate Logan for his injuries.

His mum Stella, 41, said it was a 'significant step' towards Logan leading an independent life.

"Logan is a bright, funny and caring boy, but he understandably gets very frustrated at not being able to keep up with his brothers, who all dote on him," she said.

"The court approval is the first significant step towards Logan gaining access to the funds for the lifetime of care that he needs to live as independent a life as possible and we're very relieved things are now moving forwards.

"Despite the challenges he faces, he makes us smile every day with his love for life and cheeky personality."

Mr Amir Khan, the Medical Director at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said that investigations into Logan's legal claim led to a compromise being reached.

"The parties will now work together to ascertain the appropriate amount of compensation Logan should receive. We offer our best wishes to Logan and his family," he said.