Nick Clegg The Movie? Twitter Suggests Amazing #LibDemFilms

'Nick Clegg - The Movie?' Twitter Suggests Amazing #LibDemFilms

After suffering years of coalition, Nick Clegg is finally being honoured with a film about his role in its creation - just in time for next year's election.

The one-off Channel 4 drama will chronicle the days after the 2010 election, during which the Lib Dems and Tories thrashed out the country's first coalition government in decades (after plenty of backroom deals and compromising).

Who would play the Lib Dem leader? Speculation has been rife, with one source close to Clegg quipping: "That would explain why Michael Fassbender keeps calling."

Twitter has unsurprisngly seized upon this news in order to mercilessly mock news of Clegg's upcoming movie, offering a series of parody "#LibDemFilms".

Some focused on Lib Dem rising stars like David Laws, who could rise from the deep to take over as party leader.

Business secretary Vince Cable, frequently mooted as a replacement for Nick Clegg, was also suggested.

Others went straight for the jugular, casting Clegg in one of Jim Carrey's classic roles.

Chris Huhne, who was forced to resign as environment secretary to face trial over speeding charges, was also suggested as an ideal Lib Dem film star.

.@asabenn Speed (starring Chris Huhne) #LibDemfilms

— Richard Dunstan (@Wonkypolicywonk) August 22, 2014

One Tory MP got in on the act with a swipe at the Lib Dems' "one face [and] many names".

While many others just mocked how miserably the Lib Dems are doing in the polls.

And here are our very own offerings, from our picture-wizards at HuffPost UK Pics:

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And from HuffPost UK Comedy:

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