Nigel Farage Pranked By Teen As He Films Message For His Mother

"Say hello to my mum."

Nigel Farage has been caught out by a cheeky teenager who posed as a fan and duped him into recording a video for his mum.

Robin Marshall, 16, tracked down the Brexit Party leader to an ice cream parlour in Plymouth on Saturday.

After posing for a selfie he then asks Farage to record a video message to “say hello to my mum”.

A beaming Farage says: “Hi Katy, [I’m] here with your lad. I hope you’re going to vote for the Brexit party.”

But just as he’s finishing, Marshall gives him the finger.

It’s not clear if Farage noticed or not but he’s no stranger to being the subject of rude public gestures.

In 2014 while being interviewed by the BBC outside a pub, a man walked past behind him and made his feelings more than clear.

Elsewhere, Farage has challenged Jeremy Corbyn to a debate ahead of the European Parliament elections, warning a deal between Labour and the Conservatives would be “the final betrayal”.

Farage, who leads the Brexit Party, challenged the Labour leader to discuss Brexit with him.

Speaking to Sophy Ridge on Sky’s Ridge On Sunday, he said: “There are five million voters out there, Labour voters, who voted to leave, particularly in the Midlands, the north, and south Wales.

“I would love between now and polling to have a debate with Jeremy Corbyn about this because people are very confused about what Labour are standing for.”