For any journalist furiously googling Nobel Prize winner economist Jean Tirole this morning, they would have been greeted on his Wikipedia page with a demand for someone to "edit this stuff, it loooks like Krap".
Tirole won the award for his research on market power and regulation, with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences saying he had "clarified how to understand and regulate industries with a few powerful firms."
But Tirole's Wikipedia page is just a list of all the (very presitigious) lectures he has given, and not a lot of description of his work.
Until a few minutes ago, it was followed by the comment: "Yo, someone edit this stuff it looks like krap".
That comment has since disappeared, with another one in block capitals saying: "AND HE WON THE EFFING NOBEL PRIZE [CITATION NEEDED]"
The academy said that Tirole had been a force in his field for decades, and had "breathed new life into research on such market failures,", adding his work has strong bearing on how governments deal with mergers or cartels and how they should regulate monopolies.
"In a series of articles and books, Tirole has presented a general framework for designing such policies and applied it to a number of industries, ranging from telecommunications to banking," the academy said.
Last week, different panels of Nobel judges announced the awards for medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and the Nobel Peace Prize.
Last year the economics prize went to three Americans who shed light on the forces that move stock, bond and home prices.