Comedian Shares Hilarious Non-Motherhood Challenge To Facebook

Comedian Shares Hilarious Non-Motherhood Challenge To Facebook

Unless you've been living under a rock or without wifi, you'll have noticed The Motherhood Challenge - where mothers upload photos of their children - on Facebook.

But for those who are tired of seeing their friends' brood, one woman has come up with a genius response: The Non-Motherhood Challenge.

Comedian Ellie Taylor, 32, has uploaded a collage of photos of herself sleeping and using a bottle of red wine as a makeshift pillow: "I was nominated by myself to post five pictures that make me happy to be a non-mother. Such special memories."

The post has had more than 110,000 Facebook likes and 11,000 shares, with many women saying the post is a breath of fresh air alongside the original challenge.

The original Motherhood Challenge sees women posting photos alongside the caption: "I was nominated to post three pictures that make me happy to be a mother."

While the challenge has proved to be popular among mothers, others think the posts could risk upsetting people who can't have children.

Charlotte Broadley agreed, saying: "I know I'm a good mother posting creepy pics does not prove it. Must be heartbreaking for anyone who can't have kids just rubbing it in their faces that their friends have kids."

Writing in The Guardian, Flic Everett said: "Nobody is always a great mum, few people are truly terrible mums, and motherhood shouldn’t be a 'challenge' that can be won or lost on the posting of a picture of some kid with banana round his mouth. Yes, it’s just meant to be 'a bit of fun'. But in reality, the 'motherhood challenge' is simply another way to measure women and find them wanting."

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