Just imagine the look on Kim Jong Un's face if he was suddenly assaulted by hundreds of pairs of airborne silky knickers.
The North Korean leader may face "Weapons of Mass Seduction" following a revolutionary campaign by the Swedish underwear maker Bjorn Borg.
The campaign declares that parts of the world "are in desperate need of seduction and we're on a
mission to change that."
On October 31 the company will launch its frilly missiles, with 450 pairs of sexy underwear will be airdropped over the location with the most votes.
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A surge of voters from South Korea have so far driven the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, into the top spot, the Local.se has reported.
Jonas Lindberg Nyvang, the marketing and communication manager of Bjorn Borg, said the company is keen to help a country "in need of love and seduction."
Company officials said it is looking into how an underwear drop over Pyongyang might be carried out.
"We have honestly no idea on how to drop our underwear over North Korea, but we have started looking into if there is a way," global marketing director Lina Soderqvist said, upi.com reported.
"If they win, we will of course do everything that we can to send some love and seduction to the North Koreans."