Nottingham Student Raped After She Was Thrown Off Night Bus For Being 20p Short

Student Raped After Being Thrown Off Night Bus For Being 20P Short Of The Fare

A 22-year-old student was violently raped after she was thrown off a night bus because she was 20p short of the fare, a court has heard.

Nottingham Crown Court heard how the bus driver would not wait for the girl to run to the cashpoint opposite the bus stop to withdraw the money she needed for the fare home.

The student, who was celebrating the end of her law exams, had telephoned her mother for a lift home and was walking to the edge of the city centre so her mother would not have to navigate the confusing one-way system.

When the mother tried to ring her daughter to establish where she was, the phone was answered twice - but all the mother could hear was grunting.

Prosecutor Michael Audy described the attack as "savage" and "devoid of any mercy", the Daily Mail reported.

The defendant, from Sneinton in Nottingham, then rang to alert police, saying: "You better come quick. I think a girl has been raped or something."

The woman was found naked from the waist down, bleeding, with 26 injuries and "horrific" facial injuries. She was so badly beaten her mother did not even recognise her, the jury was told.

Moran denies rape and wounding.

The case continues.

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