NSPCC Tells Parents To 'Talk Pants' To Protect Children From Sexual Abuse

NSPCC Tells Parents To 'Talk Pants' To Protect Children From Sexual Abuse

The NSPCC has launched a new campaign to encourage parents to talk to their children about protecting themselves from sexual abuse.

The charity is asking mums and dads to 'talk pants' with their kids – and to instill in them that their 'privates are private'.

The 'Underwear Rule' campaign states:

Privates are private

Always remember your body belongs to you

No means no

Talk about secrets that upset you

Speak up, someone can help you

The campaign is aimed at parents of five-to-11-year-olds, and comes amid research undertaken by the charity which shows half of parents have never spoken to their children about inappropriate touching.

The NSPCC says that because most sexual assaults on children are made by people they know, it is vital that they understand at an early age that some types of touching are not right.

Peter Wanless, the charity's chief executive, said that mums and dads could tailor the conversation to suit their child's age and circumstances, and that 'sexual abuse' did not need to be mentioned.

"We must educate our children about staying safe and speaking out. Parents have told us they lack confidence in approaching this difficult but important issue," he said.

He said that the Jimmy Savile case had horrified many parents and heightened concerns around sexual abuse, and that by using the 'Underwear Rule' mums and dads could have a 'quick conversation' that could make a 'big difference'.

A video to support the campaign can be seen below.